About Jay D. Raxenberg
Not just any divorce attorney. Learn what makes Jay D. Raxenberg Long Islands choice for Divorce Law.
Decisions Regarding Legal Custody
Legal custody refers to the right of a parent to make decisions regarding important issues of the child’s well-being, for example, those to do with education, healthcare of religion. This is distinct from physical custody, which determines with whom the child will live. Legal custody can be awarded to one parent or can be shared between both. The matter of custody may be settled between the parents themselves, to then be submitted to the court for final approval, or it may be directed by court order as part of the divorce process. Whether you are attempting to resolve the matter without court interference, or are faced with fighting for the desired outcome in court, a Long Island child custody lawyer can help.
In making decisions regarding custody, the court will consider first and foremost the best interests of the child. In the matter of legal custody, then, it will be relevant how well the parents are able to cooperate with one another. Another factor the court will consider is the propensity for each parent to support the child’s relationship with the other. Any history of child abuse, child neglect or physical violence on behalf of either party will be taken into account. The court will also make an overall assessment of the parenting skills of each party, as well as their mental and physical health.
Long Island Divorce Lawyer
The attorneys at The Law Offices of Jay D. Raxenberg are available to assist you in fighting for legal custody. They can represent you in the process whether you are negotiating directly with your spouse, involved in mediation, or having to settle the matter in court. They are compassionate toward your personal situation and care about helping you through this emotionally taxing process. Most importantly, they will work tirelessly in pursuit of the outcome you are seeking.
Contact a Long Island divorce attorney for help pursuing sole or joint legal custody of your child.