White mother and daughter talking and drinking tea in kitchen

Long Island Parental Alienation Lawyer

Parental alienation is when one parent attempts to destroy the relationship between his or her children and the other parent. It has been known to take many different forms, such as using another individual or a grandparent to put down the other parent in the eyes of the children. Children look up to their parents and when one maliciously assails the other, the children may be left feeling confused and unsure who to believe. If you believe your ex is trying to negatively affect your relationship with your child, please don’t hesitate to contact a knowledgeable and skilled Long Island parental alienation lawyer from the Law Offices of Jay D. Raxenberg P.C. today.

Parental Alienation Lawyer: Serving Clients Across Long Island

Cases of parental alienation are often associated with allegations of domestic violence, abuse, neglect, mental disorders, and other deteriorating psychological impacts on children. In other equally serious cases, alienation involves parents inflicting physical or emotional harm on their children or placing them in dangerous situations. As such, if you have reason to believe that your child is the victim of parental alienation attempts, do not hesitate to secure legal representation immediately. A skilled Long Island family lawyer from our legal team stands ready to help.

What Should I Do if My Child is a Victim of Parental Alienation?

If you suspect that your child is being subjected to parental alienation, it is crucial to act swiftly and strategically. Here are some steps you can take:

  • Document Everything: Keep a detailed record of any instances of alienating behavior, including dates, times, and specific actions or statements made by the other parent. This can include derogatory comments made in front of the child, attempts to restrict or interfere with visitation, or instances where the child’s behavior toward you changed suddenly after interactions with the other parent.
  • Communicate Carefully: If possible, maintain open and respectful communication with the alienating parent. Use written forms of communication, such as emails or text messages, which can later serve as evidence if needed. Always focus on the best interests of the child and avoid reacting emotionally.
  • Seek Support: Enlist the help of mental health professionals who specialize in parental alienation and family dynamics. A therapist or counselor can assess your child’s psychological well-being and provide support or testimony if needed. Their professional input may be critical in demonstrating the effects of alienation on your child.
  • Enforce Custody Orders: If the other parent is violating the terms of your custody arrangement or court orders, document these violations. Depending on the severity and frequency, you may need to involve law enforcement or file a motion with the court to enforce your custody agreement.
  • Contact an Experienced Family Law Attorney: A seasoned Long Island parental alienation lawyer can help you understand your legal options, advocate for you in court, and work to protect the parent-child relationship. Our legal team can assist in gathering evidence, consulting with experts, and filing any necessary motions.

When Can Parental Alienation Warrant a Custody Modification in NY?

In New York, a custody modification may be warranted when parental alienation significantly disrupts the child’s well-being or the parent-child relationship. However, the process requires demonstrating to the court that there has been a substantial change in circumstances since the last custody order. Some key circumstances that may justify a custody modification are as follows:

  • Significant Psychological Impact on the Child: If parental alienation leads to observable and harmful psychological or emotional changes in your child, such as depression, anxiety, or sudden behavioral shifts, the court may consider modifying custody. Expert testimony from therapists or child psychologists can be instrumental in proving the severity of these impacts.
  • Violation of Court Orders: If the alienating parent is consistently violating existing custody orders—such as withholding visitation, failing to communicate about important decisions, or attempting to turn the child against you—this can serve as evidence of the need for a modification. The court takes such violations seriously, especially when they harm the parent-child bond.
  • Dangerous or Detrimental Behavior: Cases where the alienating parent places the child in harmful situations or uses abusive tactics to alienate the child may prompt the court to reevaluate the current custody arrangement. The court prioritizes the best interests of the child and will consider modifying custody to prevent further emotional or physical damage.
  • Evidence and Legal Process: Successfully modifying a custody order due to parental alienation requires compelling evidence. This can include documentation of alienating behavior, expert testimony, and proof of harm to the child. An experienced Long Island family lawyer can guide you through the process, file the appropriate motions, and advocate for a custody arrangement that best serves your child’s welfare.

Contact a Nassau & Suffolk County Family Lawyer

Don’t face parental alienation on your own. Contact a knowledgeable and skilled parental alienation lawyer from the Law Offices of Jay D. Raxenberg P.C. who can effectively fight for you and your child’s best interests. Contact our firm for a free consultation today.

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