Divorce Continues to Boom for Baby Boomers.

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PreferencesMany marriages do not survive major life transitions. Life as a 50 year old represents a marked shift into midlife. This is the period of life between young adulthood and old age. Adults now entering midlife are known as the baby boomer generation. Baby boomers have dramatically changed the traditional rules on marriage and opted for independence and a strong desire for fulfillment as they aged. Why is it that baby boomers are more likely to file for divorce?

Many marriages do not survive major life transitions. Life as a 50 year old represents a marked shift into midlife. this is the period of life between young adulthood and old age. Adults now entering midlife are kown as the baby boomer generation. Baby boomers have dramatically changed the traditional rules on marriage and opted for independence and a strong desire for fulfillment as they aged. Why is it that baby boomers are more likely to file for divorce?

Pepper Schwartz is a professor of Sociology at the University of Washington and recently wrote on the topic of higher divorce rates among baby boomers for CNN. Schwartz cited to a recent article in The New York Times, which noted that the nation’s divorce rate, which plateaued for years at around 50% has significantly dropped to just above 40%. The writer also mention that only one group, the 50-plusers, have seen their rate of divorce surge 50% in the past 20 years.

Schwartz discusses some of the possible reasons why this age group is so prone to divorce, “As young adults, large numbers of them were part of the civil rights, anti-war, gay rights and women’s movements. Books and magazine articles in their time attacked (and counterattacked) traditional gender roles—and the institution of marriage and its traditions.” Growing up in a time where young adults were constantly pushing against the status quo it is no surprise that these individuals now in their midlife are continuing to break tradition when it comes to marriage.

New York Times article “Divorce After 50 Grows More Common” also points out that although divorce rates overall have stabilized, that is not the case among our baby boomers. According to the article an analysis of census data by professors at Bowling Green State University, concluded that the divorce rate among individuals 50 years old and older have doubled since 1990.

With the divorce trend among baby boomers you could almost say that this generation has helped pave the way for a society that attaches less stigma to the word “divorce” and encourages more people to live self fulfilled lives.

Divorce is not easy, but if you are unhappy and looking to call it quits make sure you obtain the legal advise you need to make that final decision, Long Island Attorney Jay D. Raxenberg can help !

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